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Eczema. Skin infections (fungal and bacterial) on back, legs, belly button. 28 yr old.

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Case CS01504-2

The photo above was taken on 20 Oct 2020.

This young client came to Body Inc with a combination of skin infections – fungal + bacterial + eczema (+hives in the past). This case was tricky. Initially there were flareups, but she never gave up.

In her words, “I realize that drugs cannot help when doctors could not even tell me what the problem was. I can't keep ‘using bandage on the wound’. I must stop using drugs.”

Yes, the wound must healed from within.

Food is the best medicine. If your skin is breaking out so badly and drugs don't seem to work, changing your diet and lifestyle may be your better way out.

History: Jul 2019 - mouth was swollen, took steroid on off.

Dec 2019 - diagnosed with perioral dermatitis, medicine helped clear her skin.

Jan 2020 - hives on chest/ belly area, took strong oral steroid, ok for 2 weeks, but flared up started on her legs, hands, stomach area & chest area. She went for laser therapy, was totally cleared but she started to get red spots on her back in Jun/Jul 2020. The laser doctor diagnosed it as fungal infection. Laser didn’t work on her back somehow.

Jul 2020 - Went to National Skin Centre where she was diagnosed with eczema. Took oral antibiotics and antibiotic cream.

18 Aug 2020 - Belly and legs rashes came back. She also had virginal yeast infection, anus was itchy too. Every day the itch was so bad that dry skin flaked off like dandruff.

Finally she decided to visit Body Inc. on 8 Oct 2020.

We put her on a detox program. First 7 days, there were flareups on her back with yellow pus. By 2nd week, flareups calmed down. She no longer needed to wake up in the middle of the night to wash anus and virginal area.

3 weeks passed, eczema on her back and legs dried up 90%, itch down to zero.

Her arms still had a little eczema. After two and a half weeks, virginal itch reduced, previous yellow smelly discharge has turned into white discharge . Now, after 3 weeks, there was not much discharge anymore.

Jacelyn Tay 29/10/2020

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