My client used to crave for chocolate, cheesecake & ice-cream, having them 3 times a week. Drinking milk was her daily habit.
My client used to crave for chocolate, cheesecake & ice-cream, having them 3 times a week. Drinking milk was her daily habit.
Last 1 year she had numbness, both arms had little bumpy dots which are not itchy. She was not just concerned about her weight but health too. She was a special client because she was the only one at Body Inc. with body fat 50 over percent and total body water at 30+% (normal is 55%). Circulation was very poor.
I put her on detox & nourishment program, taught her how to eat right and to avoid certain foods that cause inflammation.
After a few months, she now has no more cravings for sweets. Lost 6kg, visceral fat dropped 2 levels, body fat dropped few %. She had no more numbness and the little bumps on her arms "flattened" and gone. Only left scars which need to be treated with some natural creams that's all.
She was happy, "This diet program is very sustainable. I could eat in moderation certain foods that I like. I was surprised that I cut down on exercise due to busyness during festive season but I could still lose weight."
I explained that actually I need her to rest instead of doing strenuous exercise. Walks are OK but not anything that could exhaust her qi (气)。还没把身体养好,怎么健身?养好身才可以健身,不然会伤身!
So many clients had the wrong thinking that when they are not healthy, they should exercise more vigorously.
The body may collapse if your problem is not just fat issues but nutrient deficiency. Fat-burning exercise is not suitable at this moment. Do it AFTER you are properly nourished and have gained back your qi (气)。
As she is seldom in Singapore, what she did was simply following the diet, supplements that I prescribed and doing detox treatments whenever she is in town. Simple. Am happy for her!
Jacelyn Tay 21/02/19
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