Proud of my model client, Quee Ching. She bought a rice cooker and cooks her lunch at her office desk everyday. Thankfully her office has a fridge where she can keep fresh veg/meat for cooking. I applaud such company which allows staff to cook and provides a good pantry. She is so inspiring that I thought her case is worth sharing to motivate office ladies who find it hard to eat out healthily.

History: Quee Ching was not accepted for blood donation since 10yrs ago because of low blood iron. Menopausing now, her hands and feet were cold, she had difficulty in sleeping, started putting on weight in 2015 (probably due to pre-menopause). She embarked on exercises 3 times a wk - twice high impact, plus zumba or pilates, but she still couldn't lose weight. She craved for all kinds of food all the time.
Bloated and always had gas stuck in her tummy, she had constipation and her bowel movement was only once in 2-3days. Recently there were a lot of clots in her menses.
For the last 2 years her breakfast had been a tuna bun, lunch was tuna too. She didn't like rice so she skipped it. I told her that was why she had all kinds of cravings. Zero proper complex carbs - a proper source of fuel for energy. Her high impact exercises do require proper nutrition.
I put her on a detox and nourishment program. Her colleagues are surprised that she eats rice everyday. They go for exercise together with her but they don’t seem to lose any weight. They are now curious how she can lose weight when she is eating more!
Now Quee Ching has no more cravings.
She moves her bowel twice a day. Blood clots in her last menses reduced a lot. Her weight went from 64.8kg to 62.3kg. Usually for above 50 yr old and ladies menopausing, weight loss is very very difficult due to hormonal changes. It is considered great if we can help stop the weight gain, weight loss is simply a bonus. Her body fat went from 34.9 to 33.5%. Healthy living is a journey.
Start from changing a small part of your diet...If you want a slim body, great complexion, energetic you!
Jacelyn Tay 24/07/19
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