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Bloating. Weight Loss. 30 yr old.
CS01475-2 MRT commuters gave up their seats for this client, thinking that she was pregnant. She had very serious bloating problem. Her...

Insomnia. Skin Problems.
Happy. Helped another case to live a life without medication. This client had Rosacea in 2012, took a lot of antibiotics for acne to...

Gastric. Bloating. Water Retention. 45 yr old.
This client had been on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) for 8 years for her gastric problem. Since teenage, she had gastric. Her...

Moya Moya. Weight Loss. Insomnia. Acid Reflux. 50 yr old.
CS01466-2 This client came to Body Inc. for weight loss. She had a brain bypass in 2019, was on medication - Lipitor (since 2018) and...

Chew to avoid bloating.
One of our clients commented that she could not eat green vegetables because she could not digest them. The green veg usually came out...

Are you sick? You just have to live right again.
Have you wondered why, despite eating healthy foods and exercising vigorously, you still feel fatigue or suffer from skin problems like...

Hives. Toe Fungal Infection. 40 yr old.
This client was totally cleared of her hives and toe fungal infection. She first came to Body Inc. in Jan 2020. It took her more than...

Weight Loss. Giddy Spells. 41 yr old.
This client had a bad fall in 2018, lost her sense of smell due to damaged nerves and had a big bump on her right shoulder to the neck...

Weight Loss. Coronary Artery Disease. 36 yr old.
Many have the misconception that rice causes weight gain. There is no good food or bad food. At Body Inc., we do not believe in...

Health and Weight loss.
"I was pleasantly surprised when my client's face looked quite different from the last time we met." - Health Coach Jacelyn Tay. This...

Weight Loss and Bloating.
After this client heeded our advice to stop eating cut fruits and banana, her bloating reduced by 90%. She used to have very serious...

Psoriasis. Slight Eczema. 33 yr old.
Galen excitedly sent us a photo of his psoriasis skin recovery. He kept thanking our team. In just 4 days, his skin recovered pretty...

Breathlessness Problem.
Happy that a client of @bodyinc with serious breathlessness problem is now ok after a month of nourishing. In Dec 2019, after taking a...

Eliminate the negative to allow positive vibes flow again.
A friend felt cold easily and sweat for no reason. She asked what food could better her health. She wanted to find out what was lacking...

Bloating Issues.
Yesterday did a health coaching with this client who had serious bloating issues. No doctor or TCM could solve her problem all these...

Weight Loss. Bloatedness. 32 yr old.
This client was a challenging case because most foods caused bloating in her. Gluten, nuts and dairy make her nasal swell. Pain usually...

Joint Pain. Weak Ankles. Bloating. 45 yr old.
This client was so excited when she felt much better after 7days of diet change and supplements. She had lower back pain due to T3-T5...

Fatigue. Gastritis. Thalassemia. 27 yr old.
Case CS01002-6 Within a week, this young client lost 2kg. No more gastric, bloating, giddiness or breathlessness. Now, she felt energetic...

Diet journey with eczema clients.
"Recently I have been busy doing video consultations and diet journey with eczema clients. This is a stressful time for many of them...

Immunity and Health. 52 yr old tongue cancer survivor.
Case CS01409-2 This client reminded me not to let stress cause further damage, health is most important. It all started with a tiny hole...
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